Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My husband finished my little garden spot over the weekend. Yeah hubby! We won't discuss how long this had been in the works ;) Well, I now have a 4 x 8 plus a little more garden. So far I have planted dragon tongue beans, some type of pole beans, yellow squash, zucchini, green onion, cilantro and basil. I have tomatoes and bellpeppers to transplant soon. One problem-I can't tell which is which yet. Considering I need room for tomato cages, I have to wait until they are larger to put them in the garden. I'm thinking of adding carrots in a few spots if I have room.
NOW-I'm just hoping all the rain doesn't wash the seeds away or in one big pile in a corner of the veggie garden.
Baby R so wanted to help with this project. She loves playing in the dirt. I let her play as long as I was just leveling the soil but had to have hubby take her elsewhere when she kept digging up the seeds I had just planted. I felt guilty about not letting her play but redirection was not working.

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