Tuesday, December 30, 2008
We went out to Pier Park Sunday and I bought 5 pairs of shoes for little one (all on clearance). Last night, I was showing them to my husband and had them all out on the floor. R walked by, bent down and pointed and said "shoes". I am beyond excited. Her words are coming ever so slowly in my opinion. Thanks to hubby she also made a really good attempt at saying "butthole". MEN!!
Christmas Chaos

We had a wonderful Christmas. My parents, hubbie's parents and hubbie's 2 older daughters were all at my house for Christmas. It was great just knowing little one had both sets of grandparents and her sisters with her on Christmas morning. Christmas morning we opened our gifts after R opened a few of hers and we watched her play with her new stuff. R loved her kitchen (from us) and ATV (from her sissies)- the rest of the stuff wasn't really important after she saw these gifts :) However, now she has discovered her baby dolls and enjoys giving them a bottle and patting them. After that, we had breakfast together as a family-note to self: bake the hashbrown casserole the night before-and cleaned up together. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent watching little one play and cooking.
We had Christmas Dinner around 6:30 and it was a simple, delicious meal. Usually, I spend at least 2 days frantically cooking for the big meal and end up spending no time with family and am exhausted by meal time. NOT this year. I cooked a few things, his Mom brought a few dishes, and hubby smoked a turkey I precooked in the oven. So much easier and less stressful. I have decided-mo more elaborate meals that take forever to prepare. Christmas is about family and togetherness and faith and hope and Christ-not about food and china and crystal.
On a side note- I did finish MOST of my handmade Christmas gifts. Yeah!! I was sewing at 10 pm on Christmas Eve but that's okay.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
More gifts completed
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Too busy

I am so behind on the stuff I am making for gifts!!!!!!! I have no time for crafts between, work, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of baby. I was hoping she would be in bed by 9:00 pm and then I could work on gifts until 11:00 pm a few nights a week. That has NOT been happening. If little one is asleep by 10:00 pm, I am lucky. On a side note- R was on TV :) We went to Calypso's to watch the Alabama vs. Florida game on Saturday. She looked especially adorable in her Bama cheerleading outfit. Channel 7/WJHG was filming and got her on camera. TOO SWEET.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Crawler covers/Leg warmers

I was in a hurry this morning and realized it was colder than I thought outside. Little one was already dressed and I really didn't have time to change her clothes. I had a few pairs of knee socks hanging aroung that I was intending on turning into leg warmers. Well, I cheated. I simply cut the feet off of a pair with pinking shears and put them on Reagan. They look super cute and I can always hem them later. Not sure where I saw this idea but just thought I would share. I know there is a tutorial somwhere out there.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Enough ranting-I am so glad I made the switch but sometimes the stress of working with people with addictions and mental health problems is slightly overwhelming. I am happier doing this than anything else I have ever done (except maybe being a college student and bar hopping my time away :)). Just thought I would vent.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving and after
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
-Start back reading-
Thankfully, my in-laws showed up yesterday afternoon. They weren't supposed to here until today but decided to come a day early. Most people dread the in-laws coming for the holidays. For me-it isn't so bad. Now, my father in law can be a challenge! He and the hubby are SO much alike they have difficulty being around each other for very long. They both are the type that don't think they are right- they KNOW they are right and there way is not just the best way but the ONLY way that makes sense. MEN!! Why am I thankful they are here a day early? My MIL already had stuff cooked that we used for dinner last night-extra arms to hold baby- and they are home with the baby today so I can work and not take additional time off. Oh, and she has already cooked dressing, sweet potato casserole and has bought a ham for tomorrow. I am thankful for the help.
Happy Thanksgiving and remember to Give Thanks
Monday, November 24, 2008
Interrupted Sleep
This has happened off an on now for a few months, but as I said before-it is frequent now. I have tried feeding her grits at night to fill her up-this has worked a few times or it may have just been a fluke.
Hopefully, little one is just growing through a growth spurt and her hungry nerve will settle down soon. Until then, Caffeine is my friend.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Reindeer Ornaments

Today I will finish our Reindeer ornaments. The idea is pretty simple...
1) Trace your little one's hands with fingers separated
2) Trace one foot, preferably still in sock feet
3) Use these images to cut out pieces from construction paper, card stock or foam. We are using foam.
4) Glue 2 hands (antlers) on each side of the foot (head) near the top
5) Glue or draw on eyes- I am using wiggly eyes-they have the sticky kind too!
6) Glue or draw on a nose- I am using little red pom-poms
7) Tape or glue a ribbon to the back for handing
Walla..A Christmas Ornament Keepsake
I have already traced little one's hands and feet- I just have to finish cutting the shapes out. Tracing her foot was easy, her hands, Not So Much. R is constantly on the move. She wanted to crinkle up the paper and play with the pen, not have mommy hold her hand still :) I will post pictures of the finished products.
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Stepping stones
These were relatively simple- 1)mix concrete according to directions, mixture is correct when it resembles cornbread batter 2) pour into molds- can use pie pans, pizza boxes, purchased molds, planter bottoms, etc (if using for a hanging-put hanger in mold before pouring) 3) wait a few minutes until the concrete starts to set a little (you don't want the stuff you add to sink) 4) add decorative items and push in until flush if using for stepping stones (safer for bare feet and no falling) 5) leave to dry 6) after at least 24 hours, pop out of mold 7)enjoy
Friday, November 14, 2008
Stuff I plan on making
So, I have all these plans of a handmade Christmas (as far as the gifts). I'm not sure all these will get done by Christmas but I am going to try. Having a 14 month old running around makes it difficult to accomplish even the simplest tasks. So far I plan to make: room/linen spray for female family members, stepping stones for both sets of parents and maybe my brother and his girlfriend, ceramic beer stein for the hubby, candles for coworkers, some kind of Christmas ornaments for nieces and stepdaughters, ceramic birdfeeders for both Dads, adding metal to picture frames and including homemade magnets for all family members, reduced sugar cookie assortment for my Dad, microwaveable heat packs for all, thinking about trying to etch a beer mug for my brother, and ????. I will post my progress as Christmas approaches.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I've never been good at talking about myself but here it goes anyway. My name is Stacia and I live on the Florida Coast. I am originally from Alabama but have lived here for 8+ years. I am currently mommy to an active, adorable, and amusing soon to be 15 month old; wife to my husband RL; counselor for a not for profit agency; and occasional crafter. This blog will follow my continued journey into motherhood, my little one's antics, the joys and tribulations of working in the counseling field, crafts I find time to do, my attempts at learning to sew, and whatever else I decide to rant about.